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General Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Information

General Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Information

The FOIA provides you the right to request access to Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) records. The Department of the Interior regulations are located at 43 CFR Part 2. It is the policy of the BSEE to make its records available to the public to the greatest extent possible in keeping with the spirit of the FOIA. The BSEE makes many of its records publicly available and a FOIA request may not be necessary. Take a minute to search the BSEE home page to see if the information you want is already available. You may want to go to the BSEE Library or FOIA Reading Room to see if a document is already there. You can also use the Search feature which is found at the bottom of the Reading Room page. If you have any questions about the need for a FOIA request, call one of the FOIA contacts listed below.

How Do I Make a FOIA Request?

  • Send a written request clearly describing the records you are seeking utilizing a method outlined in “Where Do I Send My Request?” below.

  • Reasonably describe the records you are requesting.

  • State the category of your request for fee purposes; i.e. Commercial, Media, Educational, or All Others. See Categories of Requesters listed below.

  • Authorize fees up to the maximum amount you are willing to pay.

  • If requesting a fee waiver, indicate how you qualify (see 43 CFR 2.45(a) and 43 CFR 2.48). 

  • Specify the format in which you want your response (hard copy, diskette, magnetic tape, etc.).

  • Provide an address and telephone number where we can reach you should we need additional information.

Where Do I Send My Request? 

Requests can be submitted electronically through FOIAXpress,, by mail at the address below, or by Fax (703) 787-1207. If you are another federal agency who is sending a FOIA Consult or FOIA Referral, please send it to For any questions or concerns, please contact us at

  Headquarters Offices 


Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
45600 Woodland Road
Sterling, VA 20166
Telephone: 703-787-1689
Fax: 703-787-1207
BSEE Sterling Office


BSEE Gulf of Mexico Region
Regional FOIA Coordinator
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Mail Stop: GE 555A
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd.
New Orleans, LA 70123-2394
Telephone: 504-736-2991
Fax: 504-736-2977

Gulf of Mexico Building


BSEE Pacific Region
Regional FOIA Coordinator
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Mail Stop: CE 215
770 Paseo Camarillo
Camarillo, CA 93010-6064
Telephone: 805-389-7621
Fax: 805-389-7689


Pacific Region Building
BSEE Alaska Region
Regional FOIA Coordinator
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement
Mail Stop: AM 500
3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 500
Anchorage, AK 99503-5820
Telephone: 907-334-5315
Fax: 907-334-5202
Alaska Region Building


 Other FOIA Contacts of the Former MMS

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
45600 Woodland Road
Sterling, VA 20166
Telephone: 703-787-1315
Fax: 703-787-1209
Office of Natural Resources Revenue
Mail Stop: 61023A
P.O. Box 25165
Denver, CO 80225-0165
Telephone: 303-231-3078
Fax: 303-445-4288


Categories of Requesters  

  • Commercial Use 
    If you are in this category, you are charged for document search, review, and duplication.

  • Educational and Noncommercial Scientific Institution 
    If you are in this category, you are charged for the cost of duplication alone. Requesters receive the first 100 pages of paper copies free. There is no charge for search or review.

  • News Media 
    If you are in this category, you are charged for the cost of duplication alone. Requesters receive the first 100 pages of paper copies free. There is no charge for search or review.

  • All Others 
    If you are in this category, you are charged for search and duplication, except that the first 2 hours of search time and the first 100 pages of paper copies are free. There is no charge for review. 

DOI Search and Review Fees 



(standard size paper up to 8 1/2 x 14)
$0.15 per page

 Search and Review

Managerial$15.25 per 1/4 hour; $61.00 per hour
Professional$10.50 per 1/4 hour; $42.00 per hour
Clerical$  6.00 per 1/4 hour; $24.00 per hour


Microfiche$0.08 per page
Computer and magnetic tapes$25.00 each
Computer diskettes$1.25 each
Other services
(computer time, special mailing)
Actual Cost


Fees will not be charged if the total amount to process your request is $50.00 or less.
For more detailed information on fees see 43 CFR Part 2, Subpart G

FOIA Exemptions

Some documents are protected by the following exemptions:

  • Exemption 1 - Matters of National Defense or Foreign Policy

  • Exemption 2 - Internal Personnel Rules and Practices

  • Exemption 3 - Information Exempted by Other Statutes

  • Exemption 4 - Trade Secrets, Commercial or Financial Information (Confidential Business Information)

  • Exemption 5 - Privileged Interagency or Intra-agency Memoranda or Letters

  • Exemption 6 - Personal Information Affecting an Individual's Privacy

  • Exemption 7 - Records Compiled for Law Enforcement Purposes

  • Exemption 8 - Records of Financial Institutions

  • Exemption 9 - Geological and Geophysical Information Concerning Wells