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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
402 TAP Workshop on FPSO Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Structures 1
438 TAP Procure Membership in International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) International Marine Contractors Association International Activities, Structures 0
475 TAP Workshop on Deepwater Drilling: Where are we headed? By International Association of Drilling Contractors IADC Deepwater, International Activities 0
29 TAP Deepwater Structures Technology Assessment Battelle, Houston, Texas Deepwater, Structures 1
61 TAP Superstructure Icing Data Collection and Analysis U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Arctic, Structures 1
94 TAP Dynamic Motion Study of a Large Scale Compliant Platform Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Deepwater, Structures 1
129 TAP Methodology for Comparison of Alternative Production Systems Amoco Production Company Human Factors, International Activities, Production, Structures 1
165 TAP Deepwater Pipeline Maintenance and Repair R. J. Brown and Associates Deepwater, Pipelines 1
197 TAP Residual Strength of Dented and Corroded Pipelines Det Norske Veritas Pipelines 1
229 TAP Hurricane Andrew Effects on Offshore Platforms (Phase II - JIP) PMB Engineering, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones 5
265 TAP Reliability of Corroded Pipelines Det Norske Veritas-Hovik International Activities, Pipelines 9
303 TAP Coriolis Massmeter Data Analysis Program American Petroleum Institute Production, Production Measurement 1
340 TAP TAP 340 Performing Activity Drilling, Geotechnical 0
381 TAP Identification and Characterization of Shallow Water Flows Using Seismic Analysis Techniques Conoco Geotechnical 1
416 TAP Damaged Polyester Rope-Large Scale Experiment Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Moorings and Anchors 1
491 TAP Risk Assessment for Submarine Slope Stability OTRC Deepwater, Geotechnical 2
9 TAP Ultrasonic Flowmeter Evaluation Harry Diamond Laboratories Drilling, Production, Production Measurement 1
42 TAP Arctic Underwater Structure Inspection Busby Associates, Inc. Arctic, Structures 1
75 TAP Remote Corrosion Monitoring of Offshore Pipelines Tradco Chemical Corporation Materials, Pipelines 1
108 TAP An Investigation of the Non-Linear Behavior of Compliant Risers Massachusetts Institute of Technology Drilling, Production, Structures 1
142 TAP Leak Detection and Monitoring of Pipelines NDE Environmental Corporation Pipelines 1
178 TAP Large-scale Ice Fracture Experiments Canadian Marine Drilling, Ltd. Arctic, Structures 2
210 TAP Hurricane Andrew Effects on Offshore Platforms PMB Engineering, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones, Structures 5
243 TAP Cathodic Retrofits for Offshore Structures Florida Atlantic University Structures 3
278 TAP Natural Gas Sampling Program; Method Performance Verification Test Protocol Gas Research Institute (GRI); Southwest Research Institute (SRI) Production, Production Measurement 2
318 TAP Banff/99 Pipeline Workshop CANME-Materials Technology Lab Arctic, International Activities, Pipelines 1
360 TAP Riser Interaction Model: A Combined T/F Domain Model Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Production, Structures 5
396 TAP Guidelines of the Definition and Reporting of Significant Damage to Fixed Steel Offshore Platforms MSL Services Corporation Structures 1
431 TAP Evaluation of Secondary Intervention Methods in Well Control West Hou, Inc Drilling 1
469 TAP Post Mortem Failure Assessment of Drilling Rigs During Hurricane Lili Offshore Risk and Technology Consulting, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones, Moorings and Anchors, Structures 1
23 TAP Incipient Structural Failure by the Random Decrement Method University of Maryland Structures 16
55 TAP Fracture Analysis and Corrosion Fatigue in Pipelines Lehigh University Materials, Pipelines 5
88 TAP Inspectibility of Tension Leg Platform Tendons Offshore Technology Corporation Structures 2
123 TAP Molikpaq Ice Force Measurement Program Gulf Canada Resources Limited Arctic, Structures 1
191 TAP Pressure Ridge Ice Scour Experiment (PRISE) Centre for Cold Oceans Resources Engineering (C-CORE) Arctic, Pipelines 2
223 TAP An Information Management System for the Reassessment of Offshore Platforms University of California at Berkeley 11
258 TAP API Benchmark Structure PMB Engineering Structures 2
294 TAP Statistical Analysis of MMS Inspection and Accident Data Department of Energy/Federal Energy Technology Center (FETC) Human Factors 2
332 TAP An Engineering Assessment of Double Wall Versus Single Wall Designs for Offshore Pipelines in an Arctic Environment C-CORE Arctic, Pipelines 2
374 TAP Measurement of Wind Load Resistance on Drilling Structures Stress Engineering Services, Inc. Structures 1
409 TAP Worldwide Assessment of Industry Leak Detection Capabilities for Single and Multiphase Pipelines Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Pipelines 1
445 TAP Workshop on Slope Stability by C-Core Consultants Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC), Texas A&M Geotechnical 1
484 TAP Ocean Turbulence Loads and Effects on Offshore Structures OTRC Geotechnical, Structures 0
3 TAP Incipient Crack Detection in Offshore Structures Daedalean Associates, Inc. Materials, Structures 2
36 TAP Strumming of Risers Massachusetts Institute of Technology Deepwater, Production 11
69 TAP Reliability of Gravel Mat Foundations for Arctic Gravity Structures National Bureau of Standards Arctic, Geotechnical, Structures 1
101 TAP Residual Strength of Offshore Structures After Damage Lehigh University Structures 5
172 TAP Methodology for Assessing the Structural Integrity of Existing Platforms Subject to Seismic Loading University of California at Berkeley Geotechnical, Seismic, Structures 4
204 TAP Post Mortem Platform Failure Evaluation Study PMB Engineering, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones, Structures 4
236 TAP Development and Testing of the FLAIM (Fire and Life Safety Assessment Indexing Model) for Evaluating the Safety of Offshore Platforms and Marine Loading Terminals Paragon Engineering Structures 4