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OSRR-375-Feasibility of Using Ohmsett for Dispersant Testing and Research

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Ian Buist

The study examined various ways that dispersant testing might be accomplished at Ohmsett and evaluated the feasibility and costs. Four issues were evaluated: effect of dispersant in the tank water after multiple tests on the results of subsequent dispersant tests;
effect of residual dispersant in the tank water on slick behavior and equipment buoyancy during subsequent mechanical clean up equipment tests;
effect of turbidity from clouds of dispersed oil on underwater viewing and photography during subsequent tests;
evaluation of methods to remove dissolved dispersant and suspended oil from the tank water after dispersant testing as well as their practicality and cost.

Latest progress update

Final report was submitted March 2000