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Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship

Environmental Stewardship Vision Statement

"To meet the nation’s energy and minerals needs without compromising the nation’s natural and cultural resources."

The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act requires offshore energy and marine minerals activities be carried out in a manner that provides for the protection of the environment. This requirement calls for BSEE and all who have stake in this mission to practice environmental stewardship. At BSEE, we aim to carry out to the highest standards all our mission duties that contribute to the management, protection, and care of the coastal, marine, and human environments.

BSEE focuses on environmental resource priority areas and coordinates environmental stewardship functions across bureau lines of authority and program objectives. We work with OCS stakeholders to strengthen operators’ abilities to reduce environmental impacts on the Outer Continental Shelf and to ensure the environmental benefits are equitable, accessible, and inclusive of all. Our nation’s oceans provide nourishment and economic opportunity for many Americans. The Bureau also values its cooperative relationships with federal partners and is working to strengthen resources through interagency cooperation.