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Renewable Energy Forms

Renewable Energy Forms

Use the table below to identify forms that companies must submit to BSEE for renewable energy leases. The linked reporting instructions or job aids provide detailed instructions on required data fields and formatting.

This table is only intended to provide a high-level overview of the most common forms and does not contain every possible reporting requirement or scenario. For more reporting requirements, review your lease, the terms and conditions of any approved plans, and regulations (30 CFR 285 and 30 CFR 585).

The forms on this page have been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). OMB approved the paperwork burdens and assigned an approval expiration date to each form. Should a form display an 'expired' OMB approval date, please be advised that we have submitted that form to OMB for review and approval. While at OMB, the expired approval date is automatically extended on a month-by-month basis until it is approved and assigned a new expiration date. You may view any information collection that is under review at the OMB web site.

If you are looking for BSEE forms related to oil and gas development, they can be accessed on the Doing Business with BSEE webpage.

For more information on renewable energy at BSEE, see BSEE’s Renewable Energy webpage.

Regulated Entity

Activity Type

Regulatory Citation

Form Identifier

Form Instructions

Lessees and Grantees

Lease areas that have undergone site assessment, construction, operations, maintenance, or decommissioning.

30 CFR 285.812(b)(1)

(see form)