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OSRR-598-Upgrade of SMART Dispersant Effectiveness Monitoring Protocol

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Ken Trudel and Mr. Randy Belore
Research Contracting Agency

The objectives of this research project are three-fold: To conduct an analysis of monitoring data (visual and instrumental monitoring) collected during Ohmsett dispersant experiments completed between 2003 through 2007, for the purposes of verifying the reliability of existing SMART effectiveness monitoring protocols and recommending changes to improve monitoring methods;
Obtain input from end-users of the SMART protocol regarding past experience with the protocol and instrumentation, as well as their needs for upgrading the effectiveness and operational utility of the protocol; and
To review the commercially available off-the-shelf instruments that might fit the needs of the USCG Strike Teams for monitoring the effectiveness of oil spill dispersant operations.

This project is co-funded with the U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center, Groton, CT.

Latest progress update

A Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the project was assembled and has representatives from the USCG, EPA, MMS and NOAA. A two-day meeting was held September 19-20 at the U.S. EPA in Edison NJ to conduct a Wants/Needs Analysis. More than 25 attendees from federal agencies and private industry participated in the workshop. The workshop had two breakout focuses the Operations Group and The Interpretation Group. The workshop laid the groundwork for updating the SMART protocol for dispersants. Guidance was developed for the technical evaluation of the existing data and the user wants/needs analysis will guide in the selection of instruments for evaluation. The workshop was not intended to come up with the answers but to make sure that we understand the issues.

The final reports have been accepted by MMS. This project is complete.