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BSEE Well Control Rule 2019 - Subject Matter Experts

BSEE Well Control Rule 2019 - Subject Matter Experts

Lars Herbst

GOA Regional Director, Team Leader

As the team leader for the Well Control Rule Revision Team, Lars used his extensive knowledge of the Gulf of America oil and gas industry to ensure all proposed revisions supported President Trump's energy policy without sacrificing safety or environmental sustainability. Lars met with the team throughout the revision process to provide oversight and make certain the proposed revisions retained the integrity and intent of the original rule. 

As the Gulf of America Region Director, Lars is responsible for the regulation of operations, the inspection and enforcement program, the overall protection and safety of activities, and the environment compliance on OCS federal lands leased for oil, gas and other mineral development. He has oversight responsibilities for 2,000 platforms as well as the rig activity that occurs in federal waters in the Gulf of America. He leads a staff of 400, which includes petroleum engineers, structural engineers, geologists, geophysicists, environmental scientists and administrative staff.

Fred Brink

GOA District Operations Support, Lead Writer for Content

Fred helped to establish the Well Control Rule Revision Team, which contains a broad range of knowledge and vast spectrum of skill sets. As the lead content writer for the revision team, his background knowledge and implementation of the original well control rule provided clarity and expertise. Throughout the revision process, Fred continued to meet with industry and trade groups to address the issues from the old rule and provided clarity with the FAQs posted on BSEE website.  Each revision that was proposed to the rule was to carefully crafted and thought-out to provide the same level of safety while reducing unnecessary regulatory burdens on the offshore energy industry. 

As the Chief of District Operations Support in the Gulf of America Region, Fred oversees all polices for drilling, completion, workover and production operations.  Fred’s section, is made up of over 10 engineers and inspectors oversees all policies for consistent implementation throughout the five BSEE district offices. 

Jay Preskitt

GOA District Operations Support, Assistant Content Writer

As one of the assistant content writers for the Well Control Rule Revision Team, Jay’s knowledge of well operations across all five BSEE districts helped to ensure the proposed rule changes would maintain BSEE’s core safety principles in its regulation of Gulf-wide operations. He helped research and gather information within the bureau’s database to analyze which currently approved operational practices were sufficient to be codified into Regulation.  For each proposed change to the rule, Jay helped verify the language was clear with its intention, so as to minimize confusion in industry’s adherence to the regulations.

As the Well Operations Coordinator for District Operations Support in the Gulf of America (GOA) Region, his main role is to be knowledgeable and well informed in all drilling and well operations matters throughout the five GOM districts. Jay leads quarterly drilling engineers meetings, where BSEE district engineers discuss topics and share lessons learned with recently permitted or proposed operations. With these collaborative meetings, he aids in BSEE’s promotion of consistent enforcement of regulations across the GOA. 

Bobby Nelson

GOA Houma District Well Ops, Assistant Content Writer

As one of the assistant content writers for the Well Control Rule Revision Team, Bobby has in-depth knowledge and brought insight into how the current regulations and proposed changes affect offshore operations. He helped interpret the impact on offshore operations, compliance, permitting, safety, and the environment. He looked at each individual change and the effect it has on the rest of the rule. His knowledge of regulatory interpretation with a field viewpoint aided in ensuring the rule will be clear and concise.

As the Chief of the Well Operations Section in the Houma District, Gulf of America Region, Bobby oversees all drilling, completion, workover and abandonment operations. He is intimately involved in well operations and knows firsthand how each change, from minor to major, affects operations. He leads a team of engineers and inspectors who perform permit reviews, offshore inspections and monitor daily operations interfacing directly with the operator.

Kirk Malstrom

OORP – HQ Regulations Branch, Lead Process/Preamble

As one of the lead rule writers for the Well Control Rule Revision Team, Kirk helped review existing BSEE regulations to help identify possible regulatory provisions for revision.  He then utilized his expertise with BSEE regulations and the regulatory process to help facilitate drafting, development, and publication of the rule.  Kirk was also responsible for coordination of BSEE, DOI, and other agencies reviews and approvals of the rule.     

Kirk works for the Regulations Development Section in the Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs at BSEE headquarters.  He specializes in the regulatory process and rule development, and ensures rulemakings and guidance documents are developed in compliance with applicable rulemaking procedures.  He serves as a liaison between the different BSEE regions and headquarters related to certain rulemaking efforts.  His experience within the Department includes assessment, development, and promulgation of OCS regulations.  He has also been involved with industry standards development, Joint Industry Projects, and incident investigations and served as a member of the MMS/USCG Joint Investigation Team investigating the Deepwater Horizon event.

Dennis Yang

OORP – Houston Regulations Branch, Assistant Process/Preamble

As an assistant for the process and preamble for the Well Control Rule Revision Team, Dennis utilized his experience and expertise in regulations development to contribute content, suggestions, and revisions. His knowledge of drafting regulations and analyzing proposed Congressional bills was vital to the success of this team.

As a regulatory analyst in the Office of Offshore Regulatory Programs, in Houston’s Engineering and Technology Center, Dennis works with experts in the Regulations and Standards Branch and other OORP branches. He coordinates with BSEE and BOEM divisions to draft and/or review regulations, memorandums, and other rulemaking documents such as economic and environmental analyses to assess their compliance with federal rulemaking requirements.  Dennis also assists in preparing decision files by ensuring that they are in order, complete at the end of rules development, and readily accessible to provide information for FOIA request and potential litigation.  To support BSEE’s goals and missions, he conducts legislative analyses of Executive Orders and House and Senate bills to determine their impact on the agency, and prepares responses to Congressional Affairs issues.

Lane Nemirow

DOI –  HQ Office of Solicitor, Lead Legal Review

As the lead regulatory counsel for the Production Well Control Rule Revision Team, Lane advised the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement regarding the regulation of offshore oil and gas activities.  Lane also assists the bureau in managing its inter-agency relationships with the United States Coast Guard, the Department of Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency, among others.

​Lane works for the Department of the Interior, Office of Solicitor in Washington DC.  Prior to joining the Solicitor’s office, Lane worked as an attorney at the Maritime Administration.  He began his career in private practice in New Orleans after graduating from Tulane Law School.  Lane is a member of the Louisiana and DC bars.