The BSEE!Safe program is a mobile solution that sends links to BSEE’s published Safety Alerts and Bulletins via text message, so offshore oil and gas workers can receive critical, new safety alerts and bulletins direct to their cell phones.
BSEE!Safe text notifications supplement BSEE’s long-standing practice of publishing Safety Alerts and Bulletins on and via email as part of the bureau’s strategy to drive safety performance.
As the lead federal agency charged with promoting safety and environmental protection on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), BSEE’s safety alerts and bulletins are tools used to inform the offshore oil and gas industry of the circumstances surrounding an incident or near miss. The alerts and bulletins also contain recommendations to help prevent the recurrence of incidents on the OCS.
Since its inception in May 2019, more than 8,000 subscribers have signed up for the BSEE!Safe text notification service. Subscribers to BSEE!Safe maintain their own contact information and can opt out of the service at any time. Sign up for BSEE!Safe to receive critical safety information directly to your cell phone.
Due to a system transition, all current BSEE!Safe subscribers will have to re-register to continue receiving notifications. You can register here. Just click “Sign up” in the upper right hand corner.