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BSEE Deputy Director Completes Four-Day Trip to the International Oil Spill Conference

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Deputy Director Margaret Schneider completed a four-day trip to the 2014 International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) in Savannah, Ga. While at the conference, Deputy Director Schneider spoke to attendees before the on-water and aerial response demonstration led by BSEE, met with international partners and viewed the latest spill response technology.

On Monday, May 5, Deputy Director Schneider attended the opening ceremony and met with spill response professionals on the floor of the conference exhibit hall. The following day, she met with IOSC scholarship receipients. BSEE hosted three scholars at the conference and served as their mentors for the week. Later that day, BSEE Chief of Oil Spill Response David Moore chaired a panel discussion on regulatory and planning impacts from the Deepwater Horizon.

On Wednesday, May 7, Deputy Director Schneider met with U.S. Coast Guard leaders for a discuss on the ongoing coordination between the two agencies. Later that day, she worked with BSEE Oil Spill Response staff and partners to assist with the final preparations for the on-water and serial demonstration that evening. More information on the demonstration can be found here (LINK to news brief). The following day she met with oil spill response equipment manufacturers and attended a meeting with international partners.


Deputy Director Margaret Schneider and Oil Spill Response Chief David Moore view on-water assets prior to their deployment during the demonstration at the International Oil Spill Conference.

Deputy Director Margaret Schneider and Oil Spill Response Chief David Moore view on-water assets prior to their deployment during the demonstration at the International Oil Spill Conference.