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BSEE Deputy Director Visits Production Platform Offshore California

On August 6, Deputy Director Margaret Schneider traveled offshore to Platform Houchin in California's Santa Barbara Channel. The fixed production platform, operated by Pacific Operators Offshore, LLC,(POOLLC) is located approximately 4 miles offshore Carpinteria, Calif. in 163 feet of water. Deputy Director Schneider toured the facility with BSEE inspectors and POOLLC officials.

In production since 1969, Platform Houchin is one of the oldest offshore facilities in the Pacific Region and currently produces approximately 400 barrels of oil per day. Oil/water and gas production from Platform Houchin is transported by subsea pipelines to Platform Hogan where it is combined with Platform Hogan’s production and sent to the La Conchita onshore facility for processing.

Additional information is available in the Pacific section of BSEE's Offshore Stats and Facts page.

BSEE Deputy Director Visits Production Platform Offshore California

BSEE Inspector Chet Miller and Deputy Director Schneider discuss the offshore inspection process.