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BSEE Director Challenges Staff to Raise the Bar

BSEE Director Scott Angelle speaks to employees

WASHINGTON – BSEE Director Scott Angelle shared his vision with a packed conference room of BSEE employees during an introductory town hall meeting in Sterling, Virginia, Wednesday.

“The vision I would share with you is that I don’t believe we are an either/or agency. Rather than have a high focus on safety and the environment, and a low focus on energy production, or vice versa, my goal is to raise the status of all three,” said Angelle.  “Not to go backwards on safety, but at the same time to go forward on economic opportunities. That’s some of the culture of change I hope to be bringing in.”

He added, “I intend to build on what has been developed here and not ever take a step back, but to simultaneously understand that the economic development part of the Outer Continental Shelf activities is important.  It’s important to America, it’s important to jobs, it’s important to families.”

Angelle described his background, which impacted his views on the environment: “I come from a generation of Americans that believes that clean water and green grass and fresh air are not a luxury, and equally important are economic development and job opportunities.”

The director challenged BSEE staff to contribute ideas that will help improve the organization and he encouraged them to embrace change.  He assured the group of administrators, engineers, scientists, geologists, environmental specialists, and preparedness analysts that he would not make changes for the sake of change, but said he would ask for their help and support in achieving change when needed.

In the coming weeks, the Director will be traveling to the Gulf Coast, California and Alaska to meet with staff and stakeholders.