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BSEE Participates in Multi-Cultural Day Recognized for Work with Dignity and Respect Campaign

Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Deputy Director Margaret Schneider and the bureau’s Diversity Change Agent (DCA) program were recognized this week at the Department of the Interior's (DOI) Multi-Cultural Day event at the Stuart Lee Udall Department of the Interior Building in Washington, D.C. The event included remarks from Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and served as a kick-off for the DOI Dignity and Respect Campaign. Deputy Director Schneider and the DCA's were recognized for their work with the Dignity and Respect Campaign, which the bureau began earlier this year. Schneider noted that the campaign focuses on the small things we do or fail to do everyday that make a big difference in how people feel about the workplace and interacting with one another and encouraged everyone in attendance to participate in the campaign.

The DCA program was created to help foster a more inclusive work environment by training and encouraging employees to embrace and understand the value of diversity. DCAs within BSEE and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) are partnering in the campaign, which will run through the end of the year. Each week of the campaign has a corresponding 'tip' that reminds employees to be mindful of interactions with others. The concept was developed by the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and is widely adapted. Click here if you would like to learn more about BOEM & BSEE's Dignity and Respect Campaign.


Dignity and Respect

L-R BOEM DCA Patricia Jones, BSEE DCA Olivia Adrian, BOEM Acting Director Walter Cruickshank and BSEE Deputy Director Margaret Schneider participate in the Multi-Cultural Day event.