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BSEE Showcases Employees Dedication to Environmental Stewardship

BSEE Showcases Employees Dedication to Environmental Stewardship

WASHINGTON - Today marks the kick off of the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement’s annual Environmental Stewardship Week. BSEE dedicates this week as a reminder to staff of the important role they play in the Bureau as environmental stewards. Staff members participate in activities that highlight their important role as stewards of the environment.

“We are proud of BSEE’s stewardship role. We ensure that offshore oil and gas activities coexist with the many uses of the Outer Continental Shelf, BSEE Director Scott Angelle stated. “BSEE takes its role seriously in helping to develop energy resources for all Americans.”

Environmental stewardship involves far more than compliance and regulations, it spans all of BSEE’s mission areas, including permit reviews, inspections, enforcement, research, regulation, standard development, and oil spill response preparedness. An estimated 1,200 environmental compliance verification reviews and inspections are carried out by BSEE annually. Whether employees work offshore or in an office, from engineers and inspectors, to human resources and information technology and in-between, each plays a critical role in BSEE’s environmental stewardship mission.

“BSEE cannot be successful environmental stewards without the partnerships and coordination we foster with industry, the environmental community, state and local governments, and all of our stakeholders” Angelle said.
