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Made in America Oil Spill Response Equipment

oil spill response equipment

STERLING Va. – When oil spill response equipment is called into use, it is mission critical that it is top of the line and cutting edge. Many of the most essential response equipment used in an offshore oil spill are Made in America, ranging from oil skimmers and containment booms to dispersant application systems. The Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement supports research projects that aid in oil spill response, and participates in ongoing tests which utilize American products.

“Using these Made in America products supports jobs for American workers and better equips the industry with quicker and more robust recovery capabilities,” said Kristi McKinney, a research project manager at BSEE.

McKinney recently led the testing for both an Illinois-made drum skimmer, and a Coated Disc Skimmer manufactured in Louisiana, at BSEE’s test facility, Ohmsett, located in Leonardo, New Jersey. The test evaluated the skimmer’s performance at various oil slick thicknesses.

“BSEE facilitates research projects using American-made oil spill response equipment; these projects strengthen our tool box to promote safe and environmentally-responsible operations, efficient energy production, and economic development,” explained McKinney.

American-made skimmers were recently used to develop a prototype skimmer capable of recovering oil spilled among large ice floes. The Bureau continues to support the development of innovative Made in America equipment that improves response techniques.
