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OESI Holds Risk Forum, Director Salerno Provides Opening Remarks

Last week, Director Brian Salerno traveled to Houston for the Ocean Energy Safety Institute's inaugural event, a risk forum. Also attending were members of industry, academia, stakeholder groups, and government. The objective of the forum was to promote a dialogue on topics ranging from risk informed decision making and quantitative risk assessment methodology to how risk assessments can best be used to improve the safety culture offshore.

Director Salerno opened the forum, providing remarks to the approximately 150 attendees. Director Salerno discussed the fundamental questions surrounding risk including the quantification of risk and whether or not a single risk model is appropriate. More information on Director Salerno's trip can be found here.

The event also coincided with the naming of Jim Pettigrew as the Institute's first Executive Director. A retired Navy Captain, Pettigrew has over 25 years of experience in operations management and risk assessment. His most recent Navy assignments included serving as Chief of Staff at the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command and Commander of the Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center.

More information on the Instute can be found here:

Fact Sheet


OESI Risk Forum