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On The Hill: Salerno Testifies in Front of Senate Committee

WASHINGTON - This morning, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Director Brian Salerno testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources regarding the Well Control Rule and other regulations related to offshore oil and gas production.

'​T​he Well Control Rule represents a substantial step forward in line with our agency’s mission to improve safety and reduce risk offshore​,' said Director Salerno.​ ​'​The Rule is the result of a confluence of investigations, studies, technology assessments, stakeholder consultations, and other activities and, once finalized and put into effect, we believe will represent the greatest improvement in offshore safety in almost three decades. It also serves as a testament to the 11 lives lost as a result of the Deepwater Horizon tragedy.'

The ​full ​text of ​Director Salerno's testimony is available here.

