Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) are formal documents that provide clarification, description, or interpretation of a regulation or OCS standard; provide guidelines on the implementation of a special lease stipulation or regional requirement; provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement; or transmit administrative information such as current telephone listings and a change in BSEE personnel or office address. Letters to Lessees and Operators (LTLs) and Information to Lessees and Operators (ITLs) are also formal documents that provide additional information and clarification, or interpretation of a regulation, OCS standard, or regional requirement, or provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement.
To view expired or superseded NTLs, select a different NTL status and select submit.
BSEE NTL 2024-R01 - Submission of Industry Standards in Certified Verification Agent Nominations, Facility Design Reports, and Fabrication and Installation Reports
This NTL provides information on using BSEE’s electronic reporting system to report incidents, spills, and pipeline damage informationandspecifies the information that shouldbe included in the various required oral and written reports. In addition to providing general guidance applicable to all BSEE Regions, this NTL also provides guidance on requirements for reporting spills and incidents specific to the Arctic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).
Incident and spill reporting requirements are found in BSEE regulations at30 CFR Part 250, Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf,and 30 CFR Part 254, Oil-Spill Response Requirements for Facilities Located Seaward of the Coast Line. Sections 250.186 –250.190 provide detailed information and reporting requirements.
Reporting requirements related to pipeline repairs are located in 30 CFR Part 250, Subpart J. Pursuant to 30 CFR 250.1008(e), you must notify the BSEE Regional Supervisor before you repair a pipeline, or as soon as practicable, and submit payment of the service fee listed in 30 CFR 250.125.
Describes BSEE’s electronic reporting system for incidents, spills, and pipeline damage; states what information should be included in oral and written reports.
Describes areas affected by hurricane Barry and clarifies what inspections, plans, and reports are needed for assessing known and potential damage to OCS facilities.
General Requirements, Hurricane and Tropical Storm Effects Reports, Plans and Information
Clarifies definitions of Max Anticipated Surface Pressure for completion; how to handle a gas reservoir isolated by cement behind the production casing; describes when to use an oil gradient or gas gradient to calculate certain anticipated pressures prior to production.
Oil and Gas Drilling Operations, Oil and Gas Well Completion Operations, Well Operations and Equipment
Provides Guidance for use of well completion, well control & well intervention equipment, and trees and production equipment designed for high pressure/high temperature (HPHT) conditions.
Oil & Gas Production Safety Systems, Plans and Information, Well Operations and Equipment
Describes voluntary submissions pf plans and information prior to dates required by regulation, in order to aid BSEE's understanding of a DWOP, APD, or APM and thereby facilitate agency review of HPH well design, completion or intervention operations.
General Requirements, Plans and Information, Well Operations and Equipment
Provides guidance for information needed to analyze alternate equipment requests for consider external hydrostatic pressure in the design and calculation of internal pressure containment capability of subsea equipment.
General Requirements, Oil & Gas Production Safety Systems, Plans and Information, Platforms and Structures, Well Operations and Equipment
Clarifies guidance for requesting SOPs and SOOs as part of a demonstration of "commitment to production" when a project involves technology development (e.g., HPHT equipment) and how operators may justify exceptions to policy against granting suspensions for phased development.
Information and guidance to streamline the submittal and approval of other operational notices and requests or reports such as lease suspensions, royalty relief, SEMs plans and performance, pipeline ROWs, and production measurement verification data, but excluding incident, oil spill, and permits request notifications which are part of NTL 2018-02.
Information and guidance to streamline the submittal and approval process for Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs) and conceptual plans between BSEE and stakeholders representing lessees and operators. Includes electronic exchange of information in with BSEE in TIMS platform.
Guidance on protection of personnel from effects of hydrogen sulfide gas, mitigation of property and environmental damage caused by H2S, and detection of H2S, and a collection of standards for compliance with gas monitoring and safety requirements.
Oil & Gas Production Safety Systems, Plans and Information, Pollution Prevention and Control
Procedures for contacting BSEE regional office during and outside regular working hours regarding drilling or production activity, pipeline and structural issues, production measurements requests, and flaring and venting.
General Requirements, Pipelines and Pipeline Rights-of-Way, Plans and Information, Pollution Prevention and Control
Electronic submission of SEMS documents such as audit plans, audit reports, corrective action plans, performances measures data, and communications with BSEE regarding all submissions.
Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS)