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STEM Fest Opens Doors for Diversity

WASHINGTON - BSEE representatives attended the 2015 Energy, Technology and Education Festival hosted by STEM4US! Sept. 16 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center to inform potential candidates about opportunities with BSEE.

Throughout the day, Congressional representatives G.K. Butterfield (D-NC), Hank Johnson (D-GA), Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) and Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) addressed attendees, congratulating them on their efforts to increase and improve science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. They also commended participants for expanding opportunities with companies in the energy and technology sectors by opening up doors for women, people of color, as well as promising to lend aid to those continued efforts.

Event sessions focused on topics such as diversity in energy and technology fields, educational and vocational investments needed to train a diverse STEM work force, and what does it take to make energy, technology and STEM cool. Additionally, participants visited sponsor tables in the innovation market place and STEM career fair.

The festival outreach effort is part of BSEE’s work with the Department of the Interior’s Youth Initiative to engage today’s youth in participating in the management of our nation’s public lands and resources. It also furthers BSEE’s diversity initiative by supporting STEM4US!’s commitment help the energy and technology sectors achieve 50% workforce diversity by 2040.

STEM4US!, Inc. is a non-profit organization formed to excite young people and adults about healthcare, technology, manufacturing and other STEM fields to help create one million-plus new STEM professionals by 2023.
