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Offshore Safety Improvement Branch

Offshore Safety Improvement Branch

The Offshore Safety Improvement branch provides national level oversight for the following BSEE programs: Aviation Management, Medical Standards, Offshore Credentials, Safety and Environmental Management (SEMS), and Electrical Standards.

Within these programs, this group is responsible for managing coordinating or supporting many of the core safety functions in BSEE’s inspection programs or programs that directly link to driving safety and environmental performance on the OCS, including:

  • Managing the BSEE National Aviation Management and Safety Program and developing the procedures to comply with and implement DOI aviation directives and to ensure the efficient and safe operation of the BSEE Aviation program.
  • Developing and managing BSEE policy and guidelines for the Medical Standards Program. Coordinates contracts for a medical review officer, examining physicians, and designation of the Medical Advisory Committee who will provide recommendations to Regional Directors for decisions on waivers/accommodations.
  • Managing and coordinating the National Safety Alert Coordination Program and DOI’s Aviation Safecom program to quickly communicate lessons learned and near miss observations both within BSEE and to the Operators and other stakeholders with operations on the OCS.
  • Working with Homeland Security and the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Law Enforcement and Security to ensure timely reviews of OCS security related guidelines and procedures including potential emerging cyber security risks and the use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS).
  • Drafts and monitors the development and maintenance of relevant policies, regulations and procedures related to the BSEE implementation of the Safety and Environmental Management Systems (SEMS) program.
  • Directs BSEE’s programs addressing offshore electrical systems for both renewable and conventional energy systems.  Promotes BSEE’s knowledge of offshore electrical systems to improve regulatory oversight and standards development for both renewable and conventional energy electrical systems proposed for use in the offshore environment.
  • Coordinates the collection and vetting of proposed new safety or environmental initiatives for consideration as future research, training or BSEE initiative actions.