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Advancing ICEHORSE proof-of-concept to make it more useful in an operational environment

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Alion Science and Technology Corporation
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Gregory Johnson
Research Contract Award Value

Recently, under a BSEE contract, Alion integrated its previously designed ROV-based submersible sled technology with a commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) skimmer technology to develop and test a prototype system. A prototype of this system was successfully tested at Ohmsett. (BSEE Project Number 1053,…). Alion will advance the current ICEHORSE proof-of-concept to improve the design, making it more useful in an operational environment. Work undertaken during this effort will advance the ICEHORSE to a minimum of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6. The advanced ICEHORSE (a.k.a. ICEHORSE II) will also have the ability to locate and guide the system from beyond visual sight of the tending vessel, as well as below the ice pack. 

Latest progress update

The ICEHORSE II system design was complete and field testing at Ohmsett was conducted in March 2018. The draft final report is currently under review.