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Analysis of Emissions and Residue from Methods to Improve Combustion Efficiency of In-Situ Oil Burns

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Performing Activity
Environmental Protection Agency
Research Principal Investigator
Brian Gullett
Research Contract Award Value

The Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development (ORD) will peform real-time air emissions and residue testing on two BSEE-sponsored, outdoor in situ burn tests at the Army Corp of Engineer's Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab (CRREL) in New Hampshire. ORD will assess emission and residue to characterize the combustion efficiency. ORD will also assess emissions on an additional BSEE OSRR project at CRREL and a crude oil combustion study at the Naval Research Laboratory's (NRL) Chesapeake Beach Detachment.

Latest progress update

The EPA's ORD continues to assess emissions for BSEE's Oil Spill Response Research efforts. Emissions sampling of the  Flame Refluxer (OSRR #1104) took place in October 2020. BSEE is awaiting the analysis and report associated with this effort.