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Status of Arctic Pipeline Standards and Technology

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Performing Activity
PCCI, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Tom Hudon, Project Manager
Research Contract Award Value

Provide the BSEE Alaska Region with a comprehensive review and gap analysis of current United States (U.S.), State of Alaska and
international regulations, standards, and related specifications and technical reports for offshore hydrocarbon carrying pipelines in
Arctic conditions incorporating the new Federal Arctic Rule and including, but not limited to, American Petroleum Institute (API)
documents. Report on the state of the art and emerging technology of offshore hydrocarbon carrying pipelines in Arctic conditions
incorporating applicable U.S., State of Alaska and international Arctic applications. Report comparing the suitability of single versus
double walled hydrocarbon carrying pipelines in Arctic conditions to include review of the BSEE TAP Study number 332.

Latest progress update

Final presentation meeting conducted on Tuesday February13, 2018