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Cementing Alternative Resins

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
CSI Technologies, LLC
Research Principal Investigator
Fred Sabins
Research Contract Award Value

The main objective of this project is determine how resins can be used for OCS well cementing to improve barrier performance. A global evaluation of the different types of commercially available resins will be conducted to determine how effective they have been when placed in offshore and onshore wells to affect proper pressure control. Global evaluation will include an assessment of any available real world data (public and/or private). An assessment of any regulations in effect on the use of these resins will be conducted among major offshore (e.g. IRF member nations) and onshore oil and gas regulators. Based on the evaluation, the offeror shall propose a draft BSEE regulation addressing use of resins and/or a draft of the major issues an industry standard to this effect should address. Evaluation will address any cost differential between initial cost of purchasing a resin and use of the resin versus traditional cement costs and use.

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