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Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Heavy OCS Crude Oils at Ohmsett

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Performing Activity
S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Randy Belore
Research Contracting Agency
Research Contract Award Value

This objective of this project was to determine the limiting viscosity for the effectiveness of chemical dispersants applied to viscous U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) crude oils from the Gulf of Mexico and Pacific OCS. The acquired crude oils were categorized based on properties determined by physical and chemical analyses. Small scale wave tank dispersant effectiveness testing was conducted on the crude oil samples with Corexit 9500 applied at the standard 1:15 dispersant to oil ratio (DOR). Six oils were used for the small-scale testing at Ohmsett in moderate breaking waves.  The Ohmsett experiments were successfully conducted in April 2005.

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This project is completed. 

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