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OSRR-1008-CORN (Coordinated Oil-spill Response Network)

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Technology Systems, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Charles Benton

The objective of this project is to develop a Coordinated Oil-spill Response Network (CORN) which will benefit response command centers by enabling them to provide clear mission profiles to vessels, share up-to-date oil spill/response information, collect field data for input into models used to reflect and predict conditions, and maintain and distribute a Common Operational Picture across all participants. It will provide real-time views of operational areas, and be electronically overlaid with routes, contamination/hazard areas, navigational aids, and other responders and vessels locations. Additionally, it will provide vessel operators with a computer-enhanced navigational system, Augmented Reality (AR). AR enables vessel responders to see where transit routes, skim zones, other vessels, and other relevant objects are regardless of visibility.

The project will be accomplished in a series of tasks as described below.

Task 1. Create system specifications and identify any items that will influence the end design.

Task 2. Implement CORN Server Functionality. The overall CORN architecture is Client-Server based, and will use a range of servers.

Task 3. Implement CORN PC based Capability. The core CORN PC capability will be appropriate for use in Emergency Operations Centers and similar setting.

Task 4. Implement Smart Phone and Tablet Capabilities. The general functionality of the smart-phone and tablet variants of CORN will match those of the CORN PC implementation, but adapted for smaller displays and limited keyboard capabilities.

Task 5. Technology Demonstrations, Exercise Participation, Outreach. The project will include three operational experiments and demonstrations.

Task 6. Project Management and Technical Reports

Latest progress update

The project is complete and the final report can be accessed by double-clicking on AA below.