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OSRR-1053-Development of Universal Submersible Skimmer Delivery System

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Alion Science and Technology Corporation
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Gregory Johnson
Research Contract Award Value

Alion investigated a new approach for removing oil from ice-infested waters. They leveraged their submersible, remotely operated vehicle (ROV) technology to develop a system to deploy and maneuver a skimmer underwater to the location of the oil where it would then surface and begin recovery operations. This technology could advance industry's ability to remove oil from otherwise inaccessible locations. During this effort Alion developed a proof of concept prototype which was tested at the Ohmsett facility.

Latest progress update

This project is complete and all deliverables have been received. The final report is posted below.

Associated Attachments