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OSRR-1067-Characterizing Dispersant Effectiveness of Crude Oil at High Salinities: Implications for Subsea Spill Preparedness

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Research Principal Investigator
Robyn Conmy

The objective of the proposed research is to evaluate the influence of salinity on dispersant effectiveness for select oils and dispersants, from 10-125 psu salinity, using the baffled flask test which provides a broad range of sufficient mixing energy including those observed in field conditions. Additionally, this project will characterize dispersant effectiveness during wave/flume tank simulations of high-velocity subsea releases of oil injected with dispersant at high salinities and subsequent mixing of plume to capture relative changes in dispersant effectiveness.

Latest progress update

This project is currently undergoing EPA's peer review process. The final report will be posted upon completion of their peer review process.