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OSRR-154-Development of Improved Oil Spill Remote Sensing Techniques

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Merv F. Fingas
Research Contracting Agency

The Minerals Management Service has initiated a cooperative effort with Environment Canada to participate in a study of improving existing remote sensing technology. Oil spill remote sensing is an important tool for both experimental and operational spills. Remote sensing applications to spills can be expanded if existing problems can be solved and if low cost instruments can be adapted for this purpose. Three approaches were taken:

1) the use of shipborne radar as a practical aid to spill control;

2) the study of Infra- red oil spill remote sensing;

3) the study of dispersant signature in remote sensing imagery.

Latest progress update
