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OSRR-156-World Catalog of Oil Spill Response Products

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Environmental Consultants Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Robert Schulze
Research Contracting Agency

The MMS initiated a cooperative effort with the U.S. Coast Guard and Environment Canada (EC) to develop an updated edition of the World Catalog of Oil Spill Response Products. The World Catalog of Oil Spill Response Products provides a complete listing of all oil spill containment booms, skimmers and sorbents that are available worldwide. The Catalog is widely used by governments and state agencies, and private companies involved in oil spill response operations and technology development. The second edition of the catalog was produced in 1987, much of this information was outdated, and many new products were available which were not listed in the catalog. This update contains comprehensive information on oil spill containment booms, skimmers and sorbents, with new sections added to include industrial skimmers and beach cleaning equipment.

Latest progress update

Complete. The 1991 World Catalog of Oil Spill Response Products (Third Edition) was printed and delivered to the MMS, U.S. Coast Guard Research and Development Center, and Environment Canada.