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OSRR-478-Development of a Standard Method for Measuring the Buoyancy-to-Weight Ratio for Oil Spill Containment Boom

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
S.L. Ross Environmental Research Limited and MAR, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Steven Potter
Research Contracting Agency

The objective of the work was to develop a standard method for measuring the buoyancy-to-weight ratio of oil spill containment booms. The following tasks were accomplished: Existing methods of estimating a boom's buoyancy-to-weight ratio were reviewed.
A direct measurement methodology, applicable to a range of boom types, was developed for use at the Ohmsett facility.
The methodology was validated through testing at Ohmsett.
A draft standard was prepared, based on this methodology, and submitted to the ASTM subcommittee on booms to initiate the process of consensus approval leading to an ASTM standard.

Latest progress update

Final report was submitted June 2004.