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OSRR-647-Research on Improving Methods for Recovering Residues from In Situ Burning of Marine Oil Spills

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Steve Potter and Mr. Ian Buist

The objective of the proposed research program is to develop methods for (1) recovering potentially non-buoyant ISB residues through innovative surface and sub-surface collection means; and (2) recovering buoyant residues, including those attached to sorbent agents that were intentionally added to the residue to prevent subsequent residue sinking. The goals of the program are to:
Refine and develop ideas for preventing ISB residues from sinking and for collecting both buoyant and non-buoyant ISB residues, based on earlier studies.
Test the ideas experimentally by conducting a laboratory study involving small-scale residue recovery experiments.
Design an experimental program to test the concepts at Ohmsett using real residues.
Conduct experiments at Ohmsett to evaluate the collection/recovery techniques.
Make recommendations on the best techniques to consider for further evaluation at future burns. The goals will be accomplished by conducting experiments at the SL Ross laboratory in Ottawa, ON, at the Fire Training Facility at Prudhoe Bay, AK and at the Ohmsett facility.

Latest progress update

The crude oils for this project have been sourced. BOEMRE is working with the U.S. Navy and the State of New Jersey, Department of Environmental Protection to obtain concurrence to conduct six small crude oil burns in the Ohmsett test tank to generate the burn residue required to test full-scale equipment. BOEMRE has had several meetings with the base commander of Naval Weapons Station EARLE and his engineering and environmental staff to work through the permitting issues.

After an 18-month effort, BOEMRE was unable to obtain permission and permits to conduct the crude oil burns at Ohmsett. Only Task 1 of this project was able to be completed. The remaining tasks as well as the contract were cancelled.