This project is a direct continuation of Project 638 Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2. The objective of the research is to advance the state of the art and knowledge in chemical dispersant use in marine spill applications. Three separate projects will be conducted: Validation of Time Window for Dispersant Use Model
Comparison of Small Scale Dispersant Testing Methods to Ohmsett Results: The Effects of Dispersant Type and Oil Properties
Effectiveness of Typical Aircraft Spray Dosages on OCS Crude Oils Specific goals of the three independent projects are to: Conduct a two-week testing program at Ohmsett to validate the models that have been developed for predicting the time window for successful use of dispersants. Conduct a one-week dispersant effectiveness testing program at Ohmsett and a series of laboratory-scale dispersant effectiveness tests in Ottawa to compare results of the two methods using different oil types and dispersants. Conduct a one-week testing program at Ohmsett to study the effectiveness of dispersant applied at typical aircraft application dosages (5 gallon/acre) on light to medium OCS oils including the MS 252 crude oil spilled during the BP Horizon incident under near-at sea conditions.
All Projects have been completed.