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Attenuating Surface Waves in a Localized Region of the Open Ocean

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Stevens Institute of Technology
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. R. I. Hires
Research Contracting Agency

This was an experimental investigation of the refraction of surface waves from a localized area of the open ocean for purposes of launching and retrieving divers and submersibles as well as smoothing water where divers are working.

Latest progress update

Complete. Towing tank experiments were conducted in regular, oblique, and random waves using towed turbulence grids. For regular waves, dramatic wave attenuation can be obtained at modest power requirements for wave periods up to six seconds. Results for oblique and random seas require much more power, but are still encouraging. Full scale trials were conducted revealing wave attenuation, but because of fairly calm seas, tests should be rerun, at quarter scale.