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Engineering Properties of Subsea Permafrost

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL)
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Edwin J. Chamberlain
Research Contracting Agency

The objective was to assess the engineering properties of subsea permafrost and their influence on bottom- founded structures. Four basic areas of study are proposed:

(1) a study of the effect of freezing and thawing on the salinity of subsea permafrost soils;

(2) a study of the strength properties of saline permafrost;

(3) a study of the consolidation and permeability characteristics of subsea permafrost; and

(4) a study of the effect of cyclic loading on the strength of subsea permafrost.

Latest progress update

Complete. All of the proposed laboratory work is complete with the exception of analysis of the engineering properties of cores from the Beaufort Sea. These cores were to be obtained by the U.S. Geological Survey, Marine Geology Branch from a drill ship in 40 to 50 meters of water during the open water season of the summer of 1983. However, ice conditions in the Beaufort Sea prevented the drill ship from accessing the drill sites, therefore the cores are not available. When it was found that cores would not be available, it was requested that the work study the seasonal freezing processes in the Beaufort Sea.