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Tension Pile Test, Joint Industry Project

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Jack Chan
Research Contracting Agency

This is a Joint Industry Project (JIP) sponsored jointly by MMS, Conoco, Chevron, ABS, DOE of the United Kingdom, and Det Norske Veritas (DNV). The objective of the research program was to improve the understanding of pile-soil interaction during cyclic tension loading. The project has two parts: a laboratory model pile test program for investigation of model pile segments subjected to realistic loading conditions and a field test program composed of both small and large scale instrumented pile tests. The field test was conducted from a platform in the Gulf of Mexico in the West Delta, Block 58 location. Based on the testing program, analytical procedures was developed for the general design of tension leg platform foundations.

Latest progress update

Completed. The proprietary period for the reports has ended.