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TAP-084-Surface Oil Spill Containment and Cleanup

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Veritas Technical Services, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. W. P. Stewart
Research Contracting Agency

The objective was an engineering concept analysis of the effectiveness of a large self-contained oil spill collection ship capable of deploying large skimming booms in the proximity of a blowing oil well. The ship would remain on station in heavy weather, separating large quantities of water from collected oil and storing 2 to 3 weeks of received oil before transferring the oil to another tanker at sea. This type of system is considered particularly applicable to offshore oil and gas activities which are in deeper and more distant waters.

Latest progress update

Complete. A final report has been accepted. The report concludes that the concept is economically feasible and recommends operator cost sharing of a dedicated ship. The report recommends a 90,000 ton (deadweight) tanker because of availability and cost.