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ATOS (Antiturbidity Overflow System) Experiment

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Shin Nihon Kisho Kaiyou Co.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Michael Cruickshank, U.S. Geological & Survey
Research Contracting Agency

This was a joint experiment between the Minerals Management Service and the National Research Institute for Pollution and Resources, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan. The project was performed with the support of the Marine Mining Panel of the U.S./Japan Cooperative Program in Natural Resources (UJNR). The subject experiment is the evaluation of a Japanese patented technique for controlling and reducing surface turbidity and sediment dispersion associated with hopper dredge mining operations. The technique ATOS (Antiturbidity Overflow System) prevents air from being entrained in water which is overboarded after the dredged sand and silt are brought to the surface. The modified dredge is owned by the Japanese Government.

Latest progress update

Complete. Results of the experiments indicate that, although the patented technique does not reduce the suspended sediment, it speeds the resettlement of suspended materials.