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Engineering Properties of Multi-year Ridge Sea Ice

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
GEOTECH Resources Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. D. M. Masterson
Research Contracting Agency

This project was a continuation of the Joint Industry Project (JIP) No. 40. The initial work at CRREL on Phases I and II of the project consisted of collecting ice samples from the field and conducting uniaxial and multiaxial load test on the samples. Phase III of the project, sponsored by the Shell Development Company, will supplement the initial tests at CRREL and will make the data set more complete and usable. Phase III of this Joint Industry Project (JIP) will be conducted at GEOTECH in Calgary, Canada.

Latest progress update

Complete. The testing program has been completed. Initial results are very compatible with the ice strengths obtained in the CRREL tests. However, due to different testing methods, there are variations in the stress-strain relations. A final report has been prepared and submitted to the participants.