This was a joint industry project (JIP) with the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) to measure forces transferred through ice rubble around an offshore Arctic structure. In-situ ice stress measurements were obtained adjacent to an instrumented caisson structure in Mackenzie Bay and in the ice rubble surrounding the structure. Plausible mechanisms for the transmission of ice loads through the ice rubble field to the structure were evaluated. This is an adjunct study to Projects Numbers 77 and 83.
Complete. Like many field studies, the project did not proceed exactly as was originally proposed. However, the final outcome was that some useful data was obtained, adding to the total knowledge base of how ice acts on arctic structures surrounded by stable rubble fields. The original objectives of the program were to see how ice pressure sensor measurements in the ice compared with the load cell measurements on the structure; to gain a better appreciation of typical loads acting on rubble fields; and to study the amount of load transmitted through the rubble to the field.