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An Investigation of the Non-Linear Behavior of Compliant Risers

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Nicholas M. Patrikalakis & Dr. Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis
Research Contracting Agency

The purpose of this study was to investigate the non-linear aspects of compliant risers. This is a continuation of Project No. 92, which considered only linear or first order effects. The focus was on deriving unified analytic solutions for the non-linear dynamic response of compliant riser systems to discern the fatigue effects due to fluid drag and riser-platform interaction. This study was conducted as a Joint Industry Project (JIP) with several industry participants under the direction of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sea Grant Program.

Latest progress update

Complete. A manual was prepared to document the computer code developed to analyze compliant riser systems. The computer program can be used on personal computers, but due to the required storage capacity, increased accuracy can be obtained using larger systems.