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Impact of Annual Ice with a Cable-Moored Platform

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
University of Iowa
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Robert Ettema
Research Contracting Agency

This was a Joint Industry Project (JIP). The objective was to determine the ice loads and motions likely to be experienced by a cable-moored platform subject to a moving ice flow or field of ice rubble. Presently such data are scarce, although cable-moored platforms are being considered as work platforms in Arctic waters. The project evaluated the ice forces, moments, and platform motions resulting from ice impact. Parameters to be varied will be thickness, speed, and strength of the ice masses. A prototype model of the Gulf Canada platform 'Kulluk' was used in a tank test to gather data to compare with actual field measurements taken from the 'Kulluk.'

Latest progress update

Completed. The proprietary period on the reports has ended.