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A Magneto-Optic Based Flaw Imaging Technique for Underwater Applications

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Sigma Research, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Gerald L. Fitzpatrick
Research Contracting Agency

This was a Joint Industry Project (JIP). The purpose of this project was to demonstrate the possibility of developing a magneto-optic technique for direct visualization of flaws in ferrous materials in a marine environment. The technique is based on the property of certain magneto-optic garnel films to rotate the plane of polarization of an incident, linearly polarized light wave. This technique can be used in a hand-held device or operated by an automated submersible for the inspection of offshore structures. Because such a device can observe the magnetic anomalies of flaws through considerable thickness of biofouling, the technique does not require full clearing of surfaces before inspection.

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