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Pressure Ridge Ice Scour Experiment (PRISE)

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Centre for Cold Oceans Resources Engineering (C-CORE)
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Chris Woodworth-Lynas
Research Contracting Agency

This is a Joint Industry Project (JIP). The most likely transportation mode, for oil and gas, in the Arctic and sub-Arctic offshore regions is a product pipeline laid on or under the seabed. Marine pipelines in areas frequented by ice are threatened by grounded or scouring ice masses which occur periodically through the ice season. Pipelines must be protected by trenching or burial to a safe, yet manageable and economical, depth below the seabed. The major problem facing industry planners, regulators, and design engineers concerns the depth of burial required or trenching and trench backfill requirements.

Latest progress update

Completed. This project is being continued as part of Project Number 271. Centrifuge test PRISE 03 investigated the influence of cut depth on seabed scour. Model preparation began on August 1, 1994. Centrifuge testing was conducted on August 25, 1994. Post test investigations and model excavations were carried out during the week of August 29. Centrifuge test PRISE 04 investigated the influence of attack angle on seabed scour. Model preparation began on August 29, 1994, with centrifuge testing being conducted on September 20, 1994. Centrifuge test PRISE 05 investigated the influence of cut depth on seabed scour. Model preparation began on September 13, 1994, with centrifuge testing conducted on October 5, 1994. Post test investigations were conducted during the week of October 10, 1994.