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Paraffin Deposition Prediction in Multiphase Flowlines and Wellbores

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
University of Tulsa, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. James P. Brill and Dr. Michael Volk
Research Contracting Agency

This is a Joint Industry Project(JIP) with 36 members. The objective was to develop an integrated model to predict paraffin deposition in two-phase (gas/oil) production systems. Three aspects were studied: flow loop and deposition, thermodynamics and fluid characterization, and heat transfer.

Latest progress update

A single phase flow loop was designed and built. Preliminary tests runs were run using the single phase loop. A multi-phase flow loop was designed. A thermodynamic model was completed and tested against available data. The model calculates bubble points, dew points, critical points, cricondentherms, cricondenbars, and vapor-liquid phase envelopes of different fluids on a weight, mole, or volume basis. A graphical users interface was developed and final data gathered. The final report was submitted in March 2000.

The last semi-annual meeting was held on September 29, 1999 at Tulsa University. The JIP members received a proposal to expand the work and have a new contract and MMS has joined the new project, TAP Project 371.