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Safety and Integrity of Arctic Marine Pipelines

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Ryan Phillips and Dr. Jack Clark
Research Contracting Agency

This is a continuation of the Pressure Ridge Ice Scour Experiment (PRISE), Project 191. The objective of this project is to confirm the magnitude and extent of sub-scour deformations in dilatant soil, through:

1) direct field observations;

2) physical model simulations;

3) numerical model simulations; and

4) development of an indigenous knowledge workshop.

Latest progress update

A field study was conducted to observe sub-scour deformations under fresh ice scours in compact silt in a tidal estuary. This study was done during the ice break up, late spring, 1997, in the Bay of Fundy, around Cobequid Bay, Nova Scotia. Vertical deformation tubes and markers were placed in a tidal estuary at low tide. During the next low tide tidal bore scours were created. The markers were excavated and direct observations of the scours were made. A control marker, in an area with no scours, was also excavated. There were no differences found between the markers from the scoured areas and the area that was not scoured.