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Comparative Evaluation of Minimum Structures and Jackets

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
WS Atkins Consultants, LTD.
Research Principal Investigator
Navil Shetty
Research Contracting Agency

This is a Joint Industry Project (JIP). The purpose of the study was to evaluate the comparative nature of using minimum structures in marginal fields. This made it possible to start producing at half the cost and in half the time compared to those familiar with standard four-pile jackets. Using these minimum structures made them very vulnerable to damage from weather effects and defects in design, fabrication, or operational errors. It was in the interest of the MMS that this study investigates the ability of the use of minimum structures for more economical hydrocarbon extraction with an emphasis on safe and pollution free operations in the Gulf of Mexico.

Latest progress update

A 3-pile monotower was designed for the given location. The platform meets all standard North Sea requirements including strict boat impact and fatigue requirements.

There was a final project meeting in July 1999 to address last minute concerns and formatting of the final report.