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Lifetime Cost of Sub-sea Production Systems (JIP)

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
DNV/Goldsmith Consulting
Research Principal Investigator
Riley Goldsmith, Remi Ericson (DNV)
Research Contracting Agency

The objective of this JIP was to develop and demonstrate a structured probabilistic procedure for assessing the lifetime risk and reliability of sub-sea production systems. System costs will be evaluated with respect to safety, environmental, and operational matters (OPEX, CAPEX, RISKEX, etc.).

Latest progress update

The first meeting of the JIP participants was held on October 6, 1999. Work on a report and spreadsheet program proceeded until the final scheduled meeting on September 26, 2000. At that meeting, a draft final report and a draft spreadsheet were presented for review. The project was completed in 2000 as a final report and spreadsheet software were delivered to JIP participants at the conclusion of the project.