The workshop will continue the review of ice scour effects relevant to the safe design and operation of marine pipelines offshore, and to address the issues of damage control, oil spill cleanup and risk management. The first international workshop was held in February 1998. The Proceedings from that workshop are available from C-CORE. The general aim of this second workshop is to expand of the first event, exchange information through the review of progress and research since the last workshop and relate issues of pipeline burial, protection and damage control to current guidelines. The workshop is sponsored by the MMS, C-CORE, the Okhotsk Sea and Cold Ocean Research Association of Japan, the Sakhalin Oil and Gas Institute and the oil and gas industry. The workshop will be held jointly with the 15th International Symposium on Okhotsk & Sea Ice on February 6-10, 2000 in Mombetsu, Hokkaido, Japan.
Workshop completed and proceedings are currently available.