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Develop and Improved Methodology for Pre-drill Pore Pressure and Fracture Gradient Prediction

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Knowledge Systems
Research Principal Investigator
Jim Bridges
Research Contracting Agency

This JIP developed an improved methodology for pre-drill pore pressure and fracture gradient prediction for deepwater wells. The JIP conducted a detailed geo-pressure analysis of 60 to 80 deepwater wells using all available data. A Multi-disciplinary team studied the results and formulated an improved methodology for predicting pore pressures and fracture gradients. The JIP held forums and training sessions and prepared a reference document to implement the new methodology.

Latest progress update

Completed. Best Practice Procedures for Predicting Pre-Drill Geopressures in Deep Water Gulf of Mexico. Knowledge Systems, Inc., June 2001 was prepared as a result of the project. It is proprietary in nature, and is available only through Knowledge Systems.