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Continued Study of Paraffin Deposition in Multiphase Flowlines

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Tulsa University
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Cem Sarica and Dr. Volk
Research Contracting Agency

This is a continuation of TAP Project #239 with additional JIP members enrolled. Additional data will be gathered to fill in the gaps of the modeling done in the 1st project (239). The project will now analyze the expanded study of all multiphase flowlines. Earlier phases of the project have been completed

Latest progress update

The Advisory Board Meeting took place on September 30, 2004, in Houston, Tx. MMS is interested in the announcement of the new Pigging Study by Dr. Qian Wang (Start 2005; with data collection). The other 5 papers focused on the theoretical aspects of wax-oil\wax-water research.

Associated Attachments